Tuesday, February 7, 2012

30 for 30: outfit 16

dress and cardigan: Anthropologie
boots: Blowfish
belt: from another dress (Forever 21)
necklace: Homako (etsy shop)

do you like my boat?  just kidding, it's not mine.  sometimes we like to spend a sunny day downtown and at the harbor pretending we own one of these boats.  i also like to pretend i'm going to sneak into the ministry of magic from this phone booth. (my fellow HP nerds will totally get this).


  1. Not a fishing boat!! If you're gonna pretend one is yours it may as well be a graceful 40ft sailboat :-)
    Love that sweater with the dress. Great look, great colors.

  2. Awesome outfit! Very cool phone booth and I'm getting a very funny picture in my mind of you having to take the polyjuice potion and be in someone else's body for awhile on sneeky HP business. :-)
