Sunday, April 4, 2010

baby showers, easter brunch, and earthquakes - oh my!

yesterday was Saraya's baby shower. it was a wonderful celebration and a great reminder that there are a lot of people that are excited to meet our little one. we wish all of our family and friends could have been there to share in the joy personally but we realize just how many people we know and love around this great big world. it just means we'll have a lot of traveling to do ;) in the meantime, pictures are forthcoming, but they weren't taken on my camera so be patient!

today was an absolutely gorgeous easter sunday. we enjoyed a fantastic brunch in La Jolla and then attempted to walk some of it off along the shore. it's pupping season so we saw lots of adorable baby seals sunning themselves on the rocks. we really love living here.

yes, even though this area can be prone to natural disasters, it's still an amazing place to reside. there was a small tremor that caught our attention but is it bad that the most noticeable part of the earthquake was that every other dog in the neighborhood was going crazy while these two lazy mutts barely rolled over in their sleep?!

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