Thursday, April 1, 2010

april fools' day!

some years this day has passed with little to no fanfare. other days, i've been party to or victim of some pretty complex pranks. i was wondering about the origins of the holiday and whether or not it's recognized in other parts of the world. apparently, the french celebrate poisson d'avril, or "april fish." children tape a picture of a fish to a schoolmate's back and cry out poisson d'avril! when it's discovered. ah, to be so easily amused again... what's your most memorable prank?

1 comment:

  1. This isn't a GREAT prank but it just happened today so I'll share: Today my Chief told me that the promotion testing office called and there was some kind of mixup with the test I took (and didn't do well on) yesterday. He said that they'll need me to come test again in two weeks. The Chief actually intended to annoy me but I was thinking, "wow! that's great because now I'll have a chance to take the test again knowing everything that was on it the first time!" lol. So I started smiling and feeling like today was a great day...then it hit me...ummm, it's April Fools day and I'm the fool! Chief laughed at me. It was cute.
