Sunday, September 19, 2010


saraya has a ton of nicknames and i hope it's not confusing her as to what her real name is!  we call her fig (one of the size comparisons from when she was in the womb), missymay, meeper, munchkin, morning mouse, lovie, panda, pandy...

what nicknames do you use for your kids?


  1. For Miguel I use gordo, gordito, sweet pea, and piglet. ;D

  2. I have a ton... lets see (not gonna name their real names cause some of my nicknames they don't like) - Oh i have 5 kids so u know plus god babies:

    Booda, tookie, tinky ma ma boo boo, boom bah, munch, animal boy, peanut, peanut butter, #6, Key, Seymour, mama's
