Monday, February 27, 2012

30 for 30: outfit 30!

wrap: Victoria's Secret
pants and tights: Target
shoes: Old Navy
earrings: Claire's
bag: Coach

well folks, this is the end.  it's bittersweet for me.  this challenge has been lots of fun.  it's stretched my imagination and inspired more creativity.  it's saved me money too.  on the other hand, i missed wearing a lot of my other clothes and i'm looking forward to wearing them again!  did anyone else participate in the challenge?  at the very least, i hope you too were inspired to look at items in your closets a little differently.  thanks for joining me on this adventure.  i'm going to take a little break and maybe start a new challenge (photography? food?) next month.

if you'd like to see an easy recap, check out my pinterest board.  did you have any favorite(s)?  i appreciate the feedback!


  1. Wow, I love what you did with the wrap. Looks like it's thrown up over your shoulder?Yes, you have truly inspired me to look more closely at my wardrobe. I wear the same things together over and over and I need to get more creative. Thanks for sharing this with us!!

  2. I'm sad it's over, too! It was fun to see your outfit of the day :)
