Tuesday, January 31, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 11
owl shirt: Target
denim shirt: Old Navy
jeans: GAP
shoes: Target
only one photo today but you've seen everything except the denim shirt before so you're not missing much. i love how casual and comfortable this outfit is and the easy layer is perfect for san diego.
Monday, January 30, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 10
shirt: Target
skirt: Anthropologie
shoes: Target
belt: Anthropologie
necklace: Uncommon Goods
bag: Coach
hairpins: H&M
* photos by Corey Butler
i love this skirt! it's called the nolana and when i first saw it in the anthro catalog, i really wanted it. i took the risk that if i waited, it would go on sale (but still be available in my size). i won! and i love that it came in petite sizes for us shorties. and look how it twirls! the necklace is a beautiful agate strand that the hubby got me for my birthday last year. and the bag was actually a gift as well from a friend that i used to serve on active duty military with. when we both left, she applied for a part-time job with coach and listed me as a reference. of course i gave an awesome recommendation and this adorable bag was my thank you!
Friday, January 27, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 9
blouse: Target
dress: Old Navy
shoes: Old Navy
belt: Target
earrings: Target
watch: gift
i think a little pop of color with accessories is a nice way to take an average/boring outfit and make it a little more fun. how can red feathers NOT be fun? i also knotted the maxi dress at the waist to make it a little shorter. just another trick i like to use for changing things up...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 8
shirt: Old Navy
pants: Target
shoes: Target
belt: Target
necklace: Charlotte Russe
bag: Coach
stripes! apparently they were all the rage on runways last spring so it only makes sense that for those of us not on top of fashion trends that i am incorporating them into my wardrobe now. and by incorporating i mean possibly going overboard. i mean, 3 of my 30 items are stripey. that's not too much, is it?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 7
dress: Target
shirt: Wal-Mart
boots: Blowfish
belt: Target
coat: Burlington Coat Factory
bag: Coach
i'm glad that coats and jackets don't count towards my 30 items because it's making this challenge a little less "challenging." i got lots of compliments on this coat. i love the rich purple color. and i don't normally shop for clothes at wally world but it's great to get inexpensive basics sometimes! also, i want to apologize for the lack of pics and angles. between the chilly weather and roping various co-workers into snapping my photos, i've got to work with what i've got...
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 6
wrap: Victoria's Secret
dress: Anthropologie
shoes: Old Navy
jewelry: Target
so, you can see that the majority voted for the wrap over the sweater. it's pretty versatile so i think it will work well in this challenge. it was a pretty day by the pier so we took advantage with a walk before having dinner at the harbor.
Monday, January 23, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 5
shirt: Target
jeans: Old Navy
boots: JCPenney
scarf: Old Navy
jacket: Old Navy
headband: H&M
whoever said it never rains in southern california LIED. these pics were taken outside right as it started raining. rain is not good for bangs. you should feel lucky that there are no "after" pics. curly bangs only look good if you're her...
Friday, January 20, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 4
shirt: H&M
jeans: GAP
shoes: Target
keeping it simple today. i really like the buttons on the sleeves of this shirt. when i started telecommuting a few days a week, i found myself spending an inordinate amount of time in my pajamas and workout clothes. one of the things i like about this challenge is that it forces me to get dressed everyday. it's amazing what a simple, cute outfit and a fresh new haircut can do for a girl.
camera giveaway
i wish i was able to give away a camera myself but for now, i'll have to share the chance to win one from someone else. just click on the link below to enter to win either a Canon 5D MKII and 85mm f/1.8 lens or a Nikon D700 from MCP Actions. the contest goes until february 19th. and while you're there, look around Jodi's site to see some great photoshop actions. a few are even free!
here's a before and after of one of my pictures using some of the free actions. good luck!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
peekaboo! the end...
30 for 30: outfit 3
maxi dress: Old Navy
sweater: Old Navy
shoes: Target
bag: Billabong
scarf: Target
earrings: Target
ring: Charlotte Russe
belt: thrifted
a BIG thank you to Corey for taking these pics on our lunch break at work! and see? no owls! those feathers could have come from any bird...
another co-worker complimented me on my outfit before asking how i thought to add that belt. he's a fairly stylish guy but admitted that he usually sticks to matchy colors. i admitted that i used to do the same thing but that reading fashion blogs has inspired me to step outside my comfort zone a bit. i think it's working.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 2
owl shirt: Target
long sleeve tee: Target
jeans: GAP
shoes: Target
bag: Billabong
earrings: Target
scarf: handmade alohaneener
don't be fooled by the sunshine in these pics. it was actually chilly today (60 degrees and below count as chilly)! also, i realize i am wearing owls again. i am not obsessed and promise that you will not be subjected to owls in my outfits everyday.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
30 for 30: outfit 1
shirt: Mossimo for Target
cardigan: Anthropologie
pants: Victoria's Secret
shoes: xhilaration for Target
bag: from Ross
necklace: indie find
and we're off! two of my coworkers informed me that i looked like an old school padres fan in my orange and brown (but they liked it). i'll take that compliment. it was a compliment, right? i'm sad that i can't remember the little shop where my necklace came from. i found it at one of the indie craft fairs up in LA. isn't that owl adorable?
like last time, feel free to chime in with what you like/don't like about my outfit...
Monday, January 16, 2012
what weekend?
time off flies by and while i feel like i got a lot done (some photography and editing, some shoe shopping for the growing monster, visiting with friends and a few crafts), i always feel like i just didn't get enough done!
this week will be no less busy. in addition to starting my 30 for 30 challenge, this upcoming saturday marks 6 years of wedded bliss. did you know the traditional 6th anniversary gift is candy or iron? i just learned that and thought i'd share. and speaking of the 30 for 30 challenge, there was an overwhelming vote in favor of the grey wrap. (you can't necessarily tell by looking at the comments on that blog entry but i had a lot of facebook responses).
also, this picture has nothing to do with anything but i love sharing cute photos of the pandi.
this week will be no less busy. in addition to starting my 30 for 30 challenge, this upcoming saturday marks 6 years of wedded bliss. did you know the traditional 6th anniversary gift is candy or iron? i just learned that and thought i'd share. and speaking of the 30 for 30 challenge, there was an overwhelming vote in favor of the grey wrap. (you can't necessarily tell by looking at the comments on that blog entry but i had a lot of facebook responses).
also, this picture has nothing to do with anything but i love sharing cute photos of the pandi.
Friday, January 13, 2012
30 for 30 VOTE!
ok, i'm looking for a little input from you guys on some items to include in my wardrobe challenge. i have the majority chosen but i thought it would be fun to let you pick something. here are our options...

should i go with the victoria's secret multi wrap in grey or the old navy v-neck sweater in cream? they both go with lots of different things and they're both good neutral colors. so i am counting on you all to help me decide which one to use for this challenge!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
still modeling
yesterday, saraya was featured on baby blackbird's mini street style. isn't she the sweetest? i need to channel some of her fashion sense for my own fashion challenge coming next week!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
i think it's time...
for another 30 x 30 challenge! i've had an urge lately and i'm not really one to fight my urges so i guess it's time. some of you were witness to my first attempt (and success!) at this challenge last year. if you weren't, or just want a reminder, check out my recap here.
the real challenge this time around will be picking pieces that are easy to remix no matter what the weather is. san diego is not known for harsh winters anyhow but this has been a particularly warm winter so far. and i'm purposely choosing a time frame where i don't expect to travel too much either. i've already got a few key pieces in mind but i'm still working out details. as a matter of fact, i think i'll let you vote on a couple of items this time.
i hope you're as excited as i am! and i think it would be great if some of you joined me. i'll start the challenge on january 16th. like last time, i'll have to adjust the 30 days slightly because of reserve duty, etc. if you'd like to play along, here are the "rules."
1. pick 30 items or less from your closet. shoes count! accessories (scarves, jewelry, tights, hats) don't.
2. remix the 30 items into 30 different outfits. it might take 30 days or 3 years; doesn't matter, just do it!
3. no shopping for 30 days.
if you plan on playing along, feel free to leave a link to your blog, twitter, or facebook page in the comments. happy remixing!
the real challenge this time around will be picking pieces that are easy to remix no matter what the weather is. san diego is not known for harsh winters anyhow but this has been a particularly warm winter so far. and i'm purposely choosing a time frame where i don't expect to travel too much either. i've already got a few key pieces in mind but i'm still working out details. as a matter of fact, i think i'll let you vote on a couple of items this time.
i hope you're as excited as i am! and i think it would be great if some of you joined me. i'll start the challenge on january 16th. like last time, i'll have to adjust the 30 days slightly because of reserve duty, etc. if you'd like to play along, here are the "rules."
1. pick 30 items or less from your closet. shoes count! accessories (scarves, jewelry, tights, hats) don't.
2. remix the 30 items into 30 different outfits. it might take 30 days or 3 years; doesn't matter, just do it!
3. no shopping for 30 days.
if you plan on playing along, feel free to leave a link to your blog, twitter, or facebook page in the comments. happy remixing!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
new year giveaway - CLOSED
congrats to Mrs. G! i'll contact you soon about getting your CD.
recognize that super cute baby in the picture?! justin's band, True Roots Reggae Family, recently released their debut album, Someday. if you enjoy roots reggae music, i highly recommend checking out this album. and if you are lucky enough to be local, you should definitely see them perform live! in celebration of the new release, i'm giving away one signed CD to one of my lucky readers. and for everyone else, you can find the album on CDBaby and iTunes soon!
to enter, just answer this question in the comments: what is your favorite reggae song?
if you don't really listen to reggae or have a favorite, just say hi...
i'll draw a name next monday, January 9th!
Monday, January 9, 2012
more handmade
i received this post on my facebook wall: Pay it forward 2012.... I promise to make something handmade for the first five people who comment. They must in turn post this and make something for the first five who comment on their status. *The rules are it has to be handmade by you, and they must receive it before 2012 ends - it can be something as simple a making a friend a cup of coffee. Go!
last year i took this same challenge and only got 3 responses. i actually just received one of my promised gifts from a dear friend and i love it!
this year, i had 7 people take the challenge! and 3 of them were men! i have already had a few hints from people concerning their gifts (this was a popular request - the beanie, not my husband) that i will take into consideration. i'm looking forward to making more things this year...
do you have any handmade resolutions for the year? would you consider completing a challenge like this? (it's really rewarding!)
last year i took this same challenge and only got 3 responses. i actually just received one of my promised gifts from a dear friend and i love it!
this year, i had 7 people take the challenge! and 3 of them were men! i have already had a few hints from people concerning their gifts (this was a popular request - the beanie, not my husband) that i will take into consideration. i'm looking forward to making more things this year...
do you have any handmade resolutions for the year? would you consider completing a challenge like this? (it's really rewarding!)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
pool time
yes, i know it's winter but the FL temps during our holiday were unseasonably warm so the pandi was able to take advantage of grandma and grandpa's pool...
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
ever since i got my iphone, i've been slightly addicted to downloading apps. i've got everything under control but the first app i looked for was instagram because i loved seeing all of the instagram photos people posted on twitter. it is definitely one of the BEST apps out there and as a bonus, it's free!
some of the christmas pictures from recent posts were instagram creations. if you have the app or decide to download it, you can find and follow me at alohaneener.
some of the christmas pictures from recent posts were instagram creations. if you have the app or decide to download it, you can find and follow me at alohaneener.
cutest face ever
teaching daddy how to play angry birds
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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